Wednesday 3 June 2015

After multiple crushing defeats the other day i took a new approach!
empty room? Add guns!
Still tear 1? want tear 2?
Cant go wrong with guns

But sadly guns cant win everything...
so i invited some friends to join my campaign @Hargun @Naldo

Monday 1 June 2015


first things first I had to download the game (

Started off the day looking at some old scorpion thing i made forever ago

After seeing that monstrosity I decided to start a new
Now to place some blocks and see were it takes us!
we have some sort of thing? doesnt look to promising...
The first battle.... didnt turn out as well as i would have hoped
and it was to top heavy to break properly..
Decided to start new again
looking more promising!

note: Although the steering and breaking was much better on this one, shooting was a major problem, it seems having the guns only on the front is a bad idea.. more to come tomorrow!

Thursday 5 March 2015

 illusion of a minecart appearing on the upper layer after going behind a pole on the lower